The Software Bill Redirect is compatible with the scale Ultraship U2 MyWeigh
First you must install this driver to create the Virtual Serial Com Port:
- USB COM3 Driver:
Software to communicate with your scale:
Use this documentation:
- From this documentation do only step #1 to #3
- From this documentation do only step #1 to #3
- In Serial Port Configuration use default configuration:
- Bauds: 9600
- Parity: None
- Databits: 8
- StopBit: 1
- I Serial Port Configuration select the port (usually COM 3)
- The scale must be in LB or KG mode (press M1 on the scale to change de mode).
- On main screen click on Save Configuration
- No Virtual Button and or command needed, this scale will send the weight when you press the button SEND on the scale.
- Test #1: Open a Windows Note Pad and push the button SEND on the scale
- If the value received is not the weight diplayed then you must do this:Click on Data Filtering Configuration and in section Search and Replace Add this rule: - In search window enter: {SERIAL_RX}- In replace window enter: {CNV_ULTSHIPU2[RX_DATA]}{ENTER}
- On main screen click on Save Configuration and test !
If a problem persist please contact:
Technical support web:
Technical support web:
The updated version of MyWeigh Ultraship U-2 (with white-and-blue MyWeigh logo in the upper right corner) can connect to Windows 10 via USB if you install the right driver.
ReplyDeleteIt no longer uses the Prolific chip. It uses chip CH340G made by WCH.
Before the scale works with the ULTRASHIP U-2 app (activation_V3.01.exe), the CH340 driver has to be installed first.
Here is how to install it.
* Go to CH340 chip manufacturer's web site at
* Click DOWNLOAD button (or download directly from
* Save ZIP file CH341SER.ZIP to a folder, navigate to the folder and unzip/extract the files
* Navigate to the extracted files
* Connect ULTRASHIP U-2 USB cable between the scale and the PC
* Double-click SETUP.EXE
* Click INSTALL button on the driver installer app
* Wait for install success message
* Confirm that your PC Device Manager shows:
* Go to
* Click "Ultraship-U2Software – Windows 10" link (or directly download from
* Save to a folder, navigate to the folder and unzip/extract the files
* Navigate to the extracted files
* Doubleclick activation_V3.01.exe
* Click ActiveScale button
* Place cursor into any writable area such as a web input or text area, or a text file on the PC
* Press the SEND button on the scale, and the number from the top line of the scale display will be written to the PC
* For subsequent use of scale with USB connection, connect scale and execute activation_V3.01.exe before pressing SEND